2012 Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize Citation
Michael Grant and Stephen Boyd,
"CVX: Matlab software for disciplined convex programming, version 1.21",
http://cvxr.com/cvx, April 2011
Michael Grant and Stephen Boyd,
"Graph Implementations for Nonsmooth Convex Programs"
in Recent Advances in Learning and Control, V. Blondel, S. Boyd and H. Kimura (eds), pp. 95-110,
Lecture Notes in Control and Informational Sciences, Springer, 2008.
In a unanimous decision, the selection committee (Michael Ferris (Chair), Philip Gill, Tim
Kelley, Jon Lee) for the Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize for 2012 decided that the award be
given to Michael Grant and Stephen Boyd for the software CVX as described in the above
The nomination states that "CVX is a modeling language for convex programming that has
been implemented in Matlab. It also automatically links to semidefinite solvers ... CVX
makes convex programming as easy as Matlab makes matrix computation." The committee
feels that this work is very well respected within our community and is used extensively for
both research and teaching at a number of high-profile institutions. In particular, it
provides a unique, well-documented tool for prototyping and exploring existing and emerging
applications of convex optimization.
This Prize is sponsored by the Society in memory of Martin Beale and William Orchard-Hays,
pioneers in computational mathematical programming. The Prize is given for excellence in
any aspect of computational mathematical programming. "Computational mathematical
programming" includes the development of high-quality mathematical programming
algorithms and software, the experimental evaluation of mathematical programming
algorithms, and the development of new methods for the empirical testing of mathematical
programming techniques.