The International Symposia on Mathematical Programming (ISMP) are the flagship conferences of the MOS.
These Symposia extend unbroken from the first Symposium in 1951. (There was also an
earlier meeting, in Chicago in 1949, that is often referred to as the "zeroth
Symposium"). They have been held since then at two to four year intervals. Since 1964,
they have regularly been three years apart and, with a single exception, every second
meeting has been held in North America. The Symposia have provided a comprehensive forum for
presentation of research results in the mathematics of matheematical programming, in
algorithms and computation, and in modeling.
- 1st ISMP, Washington DC, USA, 1951
- 2nd ISMP, Washington DC, USA, 1955
- 3rd ISMP, Santa Monica, USA, 1959
- 4th ISMP, Chicago, USA, 1962
- 5th ISMP, London, UK, 1964
- 6th ISMP, Princeton, USA, 1967, → program
- 7th ISMP, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1970, → program, → abstracts
- 8th ISMP, Stanford, USA, 1973, → program, → abstracts
- 9th ISMP, Budapest, Hungary, 1976 , → abstracts
- 10th ISMP, Montreal, Canada 1979 , → program, → abstracts
- 11th ISMP, Bonn, Germany, 1982
- 12th ISMP, Boston, USA, 1985
- 13th ISMP Tokyo, Japan, 1988, → program
- 14th ISMP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1991
- 15th ISMP, Ann Arbor, USA, 1994
- 16th ISMP, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1997
- 17th ISMP, Atlanta, USA, 2000
- 18th ISMP, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003, → program
- 19th ISMP, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2006, → program
- 20th ISMP, Chicago, USA, August 23-28, 2009 → program
- 21st ISMP, Berlin, Germany, August 19-24, 2012, → program
- 22nd ISMP, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, July 12-17, 2015, → program , Twitter account with photos
- 23th ISMP, Bordeaux, France, 2018, → program , Twitter account with photos
- 24th ISMP, online, 2022 → program
- 25th ISMP, Montréal, Canada, July 21-26, 2024