This web page lists candiates for the MOS elections 2018, each including a short biosketch.
Candidate for MOS chair
John Birge
Professor of Operations Management, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
John R. Birge is the Jerry W. and Carol Lee Levin Distinguished
Service Professor of Operations Management at the University
of Chicago Booth School of Business. Previously, he was Dean
of the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science and
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at
Northwestern University. He also served as Professor and Chair
of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of
Michigan, where he also established the Financial Engineering
Program. He is former Editor-in-Chief of Mathematical
Programming, Series B, former President of INFORMS, and current
Editor-in-Chief of Operations Research. His work focuses on
stochastic optimization methods and analysis as well as
applications in multiple domains. His honors and awards include
the IIE Medallion Award, the INFORMS Fellows Award, the MSOM
Society Distinguished Fellow Award, the Harold W. Kuhn Prize,
the George E. Kimball Medal, the William Pierskalla Award,
and election to the US National Academy of Engineering.
He received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University
in Operations Research, and an A.B. in Mathematics from
Princeton University.
Candidate for MOS treasurer
Marina A. Epelman
Marina Epelman received her undergraduate degree from Cornell
University, and her PhD from the MIT Operations Research Center.
She has been a faculty member at the Industrial and Operations
Engineering department at the University of Michigan since
1999. Marina's research includes applications of optimization
models and algorithms in a variety of fields, such as
healthcare and scheduling, and methodological work in
convex and infinite-dimensional optimization. She had
served as a secretary and treasurer of INFORMS Optimization
Society and of SIAM Activity Group on Optimization, and has
been the organizer of many invited sessions and optimization
clusters at ISMP, SIOPT and INFORMS meetings. She is
currently the editor of the newsletter of the INFORMS
Optimization Society, and is nominated for her second
term as the MOS treasurer.
Candidates for MOS council positions
Hande Benson (United States)
Hande Benson is an Associate Professor in the Department of
Decision Sciences and MIS at Drexel University's LeBow College
of Business. Her research area is nonlinear programming, with
a particular focus on interior-point methods. She currently
serves as a Technical Editor for Mathematical Programming
Computation and as an Associate Editor for Optimization and
Engineering. She has extensive experience serving on INFORMS
Committees and is looking forward to the opportunity to
expand her impact to MOS. For INFORMS, she has served on
the Nicholson Prize Committee, Computing Society Student
Paper Prize Committee, INFORMS Prize Committee, and Analytics
Student Competition Committee, and she was Vice Chair for
Computational Optimization and Software for the Optimization
Society and co-chair of contributed talks for the 2015
INFORMS Annual Meeting. Dr. Benson received her Ph.D. in
Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Princeton
University. After an appointment the United States Naval
Academy, Dr. Benson joined the Drexel University faculty
in September 2003.
Santanu Dey (United States)
Santanu S. Dey is an Associate Professor in the School of Industrial
and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. He received his Ph.D. in
Industrial Engineering from Purdue University in 2007. He worked at
a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Econometrics and Operations
Research (CORE) in the Universit'e Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
before joining Georgia Tech in 2009. Dr. Dey's research interests
are in the area of mixed integer linear and nonlinear programming.
His research is partly motivated by applications of optimization
arising in areas such as electrical power engineering, process
engineering, civil engineering, logistics, and statistics.
Dr. Dey has served as the vice chair for Integer Programming for
INFORMS Optimization Society (2011-2013) and has served on the
program committees of Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) Workshop
2013 and Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
(IPCO) 2017. He currently serves on the editorial board of Computational
Optimization and Applications, MOS-SIAM book series on Optimization,
is an area editor for Mathematical Programming C and is an associate
editor for INFORMS Journal on Computing, Mathematical Programming A,
and SIAM Journal on Optimization. Dr. Dey was awarded the INFORMS
George Nicholson Student Paper Competition in 2007, the IBM Faculty
award in 2009, the NSF CAREER Award in 2012.
Tito Homem-de-Mello (Chile)
Dr. Tito Homem-de-Mello is a professor in the School of Business at
Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile. He obtained his Ph.D.
in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Georgia Institute of
Technology, M.S. in Applied Mathematics from Georgia Institute of
Technology, and a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from University
of São Paulo, Brazil. Prior to joining Universidad Adolfo Ibañez,
he had been on the faculty of The Ohio State University (as assistant
professor) and of Northwestern University (as associate professor).
His research focuses on optimization of systems under uncertainty.
In particular, he studies theory and algorithms for stochastic
optimization as well as applications of such methods in several
areas such as risk management, energy, and transportation, having
published over 30 papers on those topics. Dr. Homem-de-Mello was
co-chair of the Program Committee of the XIV International Conference
on Stochastic Programming, held in Brazil in 2016, and served for
three years as a member of COSP, a steering committee for the
stochastic optimization community. He is the recipient of Best
Paper Awards from IIE Transactions (2012) and INFORMS Revenue
Management and Pricing Section (2007), and was the winner of the
INFORMS George Nicholson student paper competition (1998).
Jim Luedtke (United States)
Jim Luedtke is an Associate Professor in the department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Luedtke
earned his Ph.D. at Georgia Tech and did postdoctoral work at the
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Luedtkes research is focused on
methods for solving stochastic and mixed-integer optimization problems,
as well as applications of such models. Luedtke is a recipient of an
NSF CAREER award, was a finalist in the INFORMS JFIG Best Paper
competition, and was awarded the INFORMS Optimization Society Prize
for Young Researchers. Luedtke serves on the editorial boards of the
journals SIAM Journal on Optimization, INFORMS Journal on Computing,
and Mathematical Programming Computation. Luedtke is the current
secretary of the SIAM Activity Group in Optimization, serves on
the Committee on Stochastic Programming, and is a former
secretary/treasurer of the INFORMS Optimization Society.
Britta Peis (Germany)
Britta Peis is a full professor and head of the chair of Management
Science at the school of business and economics at RWTH Aachen
University. She received her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the
university of Cologne in 2006. Before joining the RWTH university
in 2013, she worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the chair of Discrete
Optimisation at TU Dortmund and in the group Combinatorial
Optimisation, Graphs, and Algorithms (COGA) at TU Berlin and as
an interim professor for Mathematical Optimisation at the
university of Magdeburg.
SDr. Peis' research interests are in combinatorial optimization
and algorithmic game theory. She has served on the programs
committees of the workshop on approximation and online
algorithms (WAOA 2015) and the workshop on integer programming
and combinatorial optimization (IPCO 2017) and is currently
MC member and gender representative of the European network
for game theory (COST action GAMENET).
Marc Pfetsch (Germany)
Marc Pfetsch is full professor for Discrete Optimization at TU
Darmstadt, Germany. After finishing his studies in 1997 at Heidelberg
University, he went to Cornell University for one year with a Fulbright
grant. In 1998, he started his Ph.D. studies at TU Berlin. After
receiving his Ph.D. in 2002, he became a postdoctoral researcher at Zuse
Institute Berlin. Since 2004 he is one of the developers of the
branch-and-cut framework SCIP. In 2008, he obtained the habilitation and
became full professor at TU Braunschweig. In 2012 he moved to Darmstadt.
His research interests are integer and combinatorial optimization, which
centers around symmetries, compressed sensing, and mixed-integer
nonlinear programming in general. He is an associate editor of
Operations Research Letters, INFORMS Journal of Computing and
Mathematical Programming Computation. He has also served as the MOS web
editor from 2007 to 2016.
Sebastian Pokutta (United States)
Sebastian Pokutta is the David M. McKenney Family Associate Professor
in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and an Associate
Director of the Center for Machine Learning at the Georgia Insitute of
Technology. Having received both his diploma and Ph.D. in mathematics
from the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, Pokutta was a postdoctoral
researcher and visiting lecturer at MIT, worked for IBM ILOG, and Krall
Demmel Baumgarten. Prior to joining the Georgia Institute of Technology,
he was a professor at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Pokutta's
primary research interests are at the intersection of optimization and
machine learning, in particular mixed-integer programming, extended
formulations, online linear and convex optimization, clustering, as
well as the application of these methods to real-world problems.
Wolfram Wiesemann (United Kingdom)
Wolfram Wiesemann is an associate professor at Imperial College London.
His research focuses on the theoretical and algorithmical aspects of
optimisation under uncertainty, as well as its applications in
logistics, energy and finance. Wolfram's research has been published
widely in both theory-focused (MP, MOS and SIOPT) and practice-oriented
(OR, MS) journals. Wolfram serves on the editorial boards of
Computational Management Science, Computational Optimization and
Applications, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters and
SIAM Journal on Optimization. He has co-organised 5 workshops and
conferences, and he frequently serves on programme committees.