2024 Dantzig Prize Citation
The George B. Dantzig prize is awarded for original research, which by its originality,
breadth, and scope, is having a major impact on the field of mathematical programming. The
2024 winner is
- Stephen J. Wright from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The George B. Dantzig Prize is awarded to Stephen J. Wright for his
fundamental contributions to nonlinear optimization. He pioneered
infeasible interior point methods which culminated in his 1997 SIAM
monograph on the subject. Moreover, Stephen Wright contributed
highly cited, outstanding, and very influential work in a broad range
of fields in mathematical optimization, including algorithms for
control, nonsmooth optimization with applications to compressed
sensing, machine learning, and data science. His comprehensive
contributions range from theory, algorithm design and analysis to
applications and the development of high-impact software.