The Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize
citations 2024
past winners
To be eligible for the Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize for Excellence in Computational Mathematical
Programming a paper or a book must meet the following requirements:
- It must be in the field of computational mathematical programming, which includes
but is not limited to the following:
- Experimental evaluation of one or more mathematical programming algorithms.
- The development of quality mathematical programming software (i.e., well-documented
code capable of obtaining solutions to some important class of mathematical programming
problems) coupled with documentation of the application of the software to this class of
problems. (Note: The award would be presented for the paper that describes this work and
not for the software itself).
- The development of a new computational method that improves the state-of-the-art in
computer implementations of mathematical programming algorithms coupled with
documentation of the experiment that showed the improvement.
- The development of new methods for empirical testing of mathematical programming
techniques (e.g., development of a new design for computational experiments,
identification of new performance measures, or methods for reducing the cost of
empirical testing).
- It must have appeared in the open literature.
- Documentation must be written in a language acceptable to the Prize Committee.
- It must have been published during the six calendar years preceding the year in which
the prize is awarded. The publication year for the paper or book is defined to be the print
publication year, for any volume that appears in print, or the electronic publication year,
for any volume that appears only in electronic form.
These requirements are intended as guidelines to the Prize Committee but are not to be
viewed as binding when work of exceptional merit comes close to satisfying them.
Frequency and Amount of the Award
The prize will be considered every three years. If the prize is awarded, the award will be
presented at the awards session of the International Symposium on Mathematical
Programming. The prize consists of $1,500 and a plaque.
Judgment Criteria
Nominations will be judged on the following criteria:
- Magnitude of the contribution to the advancement of computational and experimental mathematical programming.
- Originality of ideas and methods.
- Degree to which unification or simplification of existing methodologies is achieved.
- Clarity and excellence of exposition.
The Awards Committee
The MOS chair will appoint a committee of four to eight people (the "Prize
Committee") at least one year prior to the awarding of the prize. Each committee member
will read all nominations and provide the chair of the committee with his or her assessment
based on the four judgment criteria. The Prize Committee may decide that no prize will be
awarded for that International Symposium on Mathematical Programming.
Nominations must be in writing and include the title(s) of the paper(s) or book, the
author(s), the place and date of publication, and four copies of the material. Supporting
justification and any supplementary materials are welcome but not mandatory. All nominations
must be received at least six months prior to the awards date. The Prize Committee reserves
the right to request further supporting materials from the nominees.
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Past Winners of the Beale — Orchard-Hays Prize
Year |
Winners |
Jury |
1985 |
Michael Saunders |
G. Dantzig, Goldman, H. Greenberg, K. L. Hoffman, Schnabel, D. Shanno, Shier, Wolfe |
1988 |
Tony J. Van Roy, Laurence Wolsey |
Jackson, M. Powell, M. Saunders, J. Tomlin |
1991 |
Irvin Lustig, Roy Marsten, David Shanno |
Meyer, J. Moré, J. Tomlin, L. Wolsey |
1994 |
Andrew Conn, Nicholas I. M. Gould, Philippe L. Toint |
Meyer, D. Shanno, R. Vanderbei, L. Wolsey |
1997 |
Michael C. Ferris, Steven P. Dirkse |
A. Bachem, K. L. Hoffman, Ph. L. Toint, R. Vanderbei |
2000 |
David Applegate, Bob Bixby, Vasek Chvatal, William Cook |
D. Goldfarb (chair), R. Fourer, M. Kojima, M. Ferris, M. Saunders |
2003 |
Elizabeth D. Dolan, Robert Fourer, Jorge J. Moré, Todd S. Munson |
D. Bienstock, W. Cook, N. Gould |
2006 |
Nick Sahinidis, Mohit Tawarmalani |
S. Wright (chair), W. Cook, M. Jünger, F. Rendl |
2009 |
Tobias Achterberg |
E. Andersen, Ph. Gill, J. Linderoth, N. Sahinidis (chair) |
2012 |
Michael Grant and Stephen Boyd |
M. Ferris (Chair), P. Gill, T. Kelley, J. Lee |
2015 |
Stephen R. Becker, Emmanuel J. Candès, Michael C. Grant |
R. Bixby (Chair), M. Ferris, M. Kojima, P. Mutzel, K. Scheinberg |
2018 |
Defeng Sun, Kim-Chuan Toh, Liuqin Yang |
Tobias Achterberg, Michael Grant (chair), Jeff Linderoth, Petra Mutzel, Ted Ralphs |
2021 |
Alberto Costa and Giacomo Nannicini
Iain Dunning, Joey Huchette, and Miles Lubin |
Robert Fourer (chair), Jonathan Eckstein, Julian Hall, Petra Mutzel, Dominique Orban |
2024 |
Bartolomeo Stellato, Goran Banjac, Paul Goulart, Alberto Bemporad, Stephen Boyd
David Applegate, Mateo Díaz, Oliver Hinder, Haihao Lu, Miles Lubin, Brendan O'Donoghue, Warren Schudy |
Jonathan Eckstein (chair), Serhat Aybat, Hande Benson, Daniel Bienstock, Paulo José da Silva e Silva, Lars Schewe |