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Mathematical Optimization Society

MOS Prizes

MOS Prizes


A.W. Tucker Prize

citations 2024
past winners

The A. W. Tucker Prize was established by the Society in 1985, and was first awarded at the Thirteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Programming in 1988. Beginning in 2009, it will be awarded at each International Symposium on Mathematical Programming for an outstanding doctoral thesis.

Nominations are screened by Tucker Prize Committee. At most three finalists are chosen. The finalists and winner are announced and the Prize is awarded at the plenary session of the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming at which prizes are announced, which is customarily the opening ceremony. The finalists are invited to give oral presentations of their work at a special session of the Symposium.


The doctoral thesis must have been approved formally (with signatures) by the nominee's thesis committee between January 1 of the calendar year in which the previous International Symposium on Mathematical Programming was held, and January 1 of the calendar year of the upcoming symposium. The thesis may concern any aspect of mathematical optimization.

Tucker Prize Committee

The chair will appoint for each award a prize committee consisting of five members (the "Tucker Prize Committee"). The chair will designate one of the members as chair of the Tucker Prize Committee. The members will normally serve staggered terms covering two successive Symposia, with two or three members retiring after each International Symposium on Mathematical Programming.


Nominations must be made by electronic mail to the chair of the Tucker Prize Committee. The nominator must be a faculty member at the institution that awards the nominee's doctoral degree, or a member of the nominee's thesis committee. The applications should consist of pdf files of the following material: a letter of nomination; the nominee's thesis; a separate summary of the thesis' contributions, written by the nominee, no more than eight (8) pages in length; and a brief biographical sketch of the nominee. The Tucker Prize Committee may request additional information. Nominations and the accompanying documentation are due by January 15 of the calendar year of the upcoming International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, and must be written in a language acceptable to the Tucker Prize Committee.


The Tucker Prize Committee will select the finalists and winner at least two months prior to the beginning of the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. It will notify the Chair of the MOS and the Chair of the Executive Committee at that time. Selection will be based on the significance of the contribution, skillfulness of the development, and quality of exposition.

Monetary Award and Travel Costs

The winner will receive an award of $1000 and a certificate. The other finalists will also receive certificates. The Society will also pay partial travel expenses for each finalist to attend the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Reimbursements will normally be limited to $750. This limit may be varied at the discretion of the Council of the Society, taking into account the amount of endowment income available and other factors. The nominee's doctoral institution will be encouraged to assist any nominee selected as a finalist with additional travel expense reimbursement.

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Past Winners of the Tucker Prize

Year Winners Other Finalists Jury
1988 Andrew Goldberg   R. Bland, H. Kuhn, Tucker II, L. Wolsey
1991 Michel Goemans Leslie Hall, Mark Hartmann R. W. Cottle, T. Liebling, R. Tapia, Tucker II
1994 David Williamson Dick Den Hertog, Jiming Liu A. Conn, B. Cunningham, C. Gonzaga, T. Liebling, J.-P. Vial
1997 David Karger Jim Geelen, Luis Nunes Vicente K. Anstreicher, R. Burkard, J. Nocedal, J.-P. Vial, D. Williamson
2000 Bertrand Guenin Kamal Jain, Fabian Chudak K. Anstreicher, R. Burkard, D. den Hertog, D. Karger, Lee
2003 Tim Roughgarden Pablo Parrilo, Jiming Peng R. Burkard (Chair), Th. McCormick, J. Sturm, L. Trotter
2006 Uday V. Shanbhag José Rafael Correa, Dion Gijswijt Th. McCormick (Chair), M. Laurent, J.-S. Pang, R. Schultz
2009 Mohit Singh Tobias Achterberg, Jiawang Nie F. Rendl (chair), F. Bonnans, F. Eisenbrand, S. Leyffer, R. Schultz
2012 Oliver Friedmann Amitabh Basu, Guanghui Lan D. Ralph (Chair), M. Anjos, F. Eisenbrand, B. Fortz, B. Morini
2015 Daniel Dadush Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Marika Karbstein K. Aardal (Chair), S. Iwata, B. Morini, D. Ralph, U. Shanbhag
2018 Yin Tat Lee Damek Davis, Adrien Taylor Santanu Dey, Sven Leyffer, Simge Küçükyavuz (chair), Britta Peis, Anke van Zuylen
2021 Jakub Tarnawski Georgina Hall, Yair Carmon Amitabh Basu (chair), Francesca Maggioni, Laura Sanità, Simge Küçükyavuz, Frank Curtis
2024 Yang Liu Jason Altschuler, Nathan Klein Frank Curtis (chair), Shipra Agrawal, Afonso Bandeira, Francesca Maggioni, Laura Sanità