Call for Nominations - INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize
The John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded annually to a scholar (or scholars
in the case of joint work) who has made fundamental, sustained contributions to
theory in operations research and the management sciences. The award is given each
year at the INFORMS Annual Meeting if there is a suitable recipient. Although the
Prize is normally given to a single individual, in the case of accumulated joint
work, the recipients can be multiple individuals.
The Prize is awarded for a body of work, typically published over a period of
several years. Although recent work should not be excluded, the Prize typically
reflects contributions that have stood the test of time. The criteria for the
Prize are broad, and include significance, innovation, depth, and scientific
The award is $5,000, a medallion and a citation.
Application Process:
The Prize Committee is currently seeking nominations, which should be in the
form of a letter (preferably email) addressed to the prize committee chair
(below), highlighting the nominee's accomplishments. Although the letter need not
contain a detailed account of the nominee's research, it should document the
overall nature of his or her contributions and their impact on the profession,
with particular emphasis on the prize's criteria. The nominee's curriculum vitae,
while not mandatory, would be helpful. Please compress electronic files if 10 MB.
Nominations should be submitted to the committee chair (see below) as soon as
possible, but no later than June 1, 2015.
see this
page online for complete details.
2015 Committee Chair:
Professor George Nemhauser
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, 30332-0205 U.S.A.